Thursday 8 August 2013


So, I've been growing veggies this year in my little veg patch. It's 3 metres by 1 metre so pretty small - I also have herbs and tomatoes in pots.

This is my little haul today - pretty normal for a summery day...
We have...
Courgettes (black beauty and F1 hybrid ones) - grow really well even in a little space, produce tons of courgettes. Think I'll try some yellow ones next year just to be different! Hence why many of the recipes we've been eating are courgette based...

Beetroot (choggia and bog standard bolt hardy varieties). I learnt from last year not to squish them in too much, these ones are a much better size.

Tomatoes (maskotka) - a pretty ugly variety but grow well in pots. Mine offend my anally retentive side as they trail all messily and are all leggy. Tomatoes taste lovely though - think I'll try tumbling toms (yellow and red) in hanging baskets next year.

Lettuce - cut and come again - always go mental even in our slightly iffy weather. Also spinach but that all bolted...

French beans - Safari variety - started off indoors this year, and they're my little stars! Lots of lovely fine beans, not stringy at all, delicious. Think next year I'll sow them in a couple of shifts as after a month of producing my ones are running out of juice a bit, would be nice to have some more.

Rocket - grows like nothing else!!

So there we have it! I'm sure I'll get better at growing things and getting more yummies out of the garden soon. I also have a huge number of pumpkins and squashes growing... Will update as they get ripe!!

JB x

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