Wednesday 11 December 2013

Choux choux choux!

Well. Choux pastry.

Eclairs, profiteroles, Le crazy croquembouche... All ruddy delicious. And choux based. I saw a pic in the metro this morning about Michel Roux Jr (hero) doing a programme about Patisserie this evening and ever since, choux was on my brain! I hadn't made any in a while, so I wanted to revisit it.

I decided to make a batch for the freezer, so when I next have a houseful to feed I'll fill them with some form of cream/custard/chocolate combo. Deelish!

My favourite recipe is by Delia (love her), and a quick google or old fashioned look in a recipe book will find it. It's a slightly tricky beast but don't be put off... The first time I made it i created small bombs with raw dough inside, but usually (just jinxed it now!) Queen Delia Goddess of All That Is Baked knows best. The mistake I made was (first time) medium instead of large eggs, and I suspect also not beating enough.

I use exactly the ingredients our Del recommends, but my method is a little different...Lazy Jo uses her mixer for this...!

So melt butter and water together, add flour and a spot of sugar in one lump as Delia says. Once I get to the stage where it's a ball and I'm ready to add the beaten egg, I plop it into my mixer and use about speed 4 or so to do the leg (arm, beating pastry with a leg does sound impressive though) work for me as I add the egg. 

Then, pipe, bake, do a small dance of hope, and open the door! It's recipes like this that make me miss my oven with a glass door... Although it does bring a certain feeling of edge of the seat as you open the door :)

Piercing them to let the steam out prevents them from sogging as they cool. 

And here they are, fat little beauties that they are! 

Plenty of cream space :)

Today the pastry gods were on my side! Now, just to work out how to get then to love me all the time... :)

JB x

Calentita! Baking around the world has got to Gibraltar!

This is apparently the Gibraltan national dish. It is an extremely simple recipe, and created a kind of chick pea based slightly wet Yorkshire pudding type thing. 
I ate it for dinner tonight with some avocado, tomato and goats cheese salad... It was certainly nice, but a bit too pasty for my liking; I did cook it for ages and ages (1 1/4 hours) but it kind of seemed to defy physics and remain kind of paste like in the middle!

Anyhow, here's a pic: the mixture is VERY wet but all the recipes I found added the same amount of water!

The flavour was lovely though, I love chick peas and this had that lovely nutty, creamy flavour. Nice!

250g chick pea flour (often I'm the Asian section of the supermarket)
850 ml water
Salt and pepper
Enough olive oil to cover the base of a 20x30cm ovenproof dish

1. Stir together the flour, water and seasoning. Leave this for a couple of hours (or overnight).
2. Put the oil in the dish and put it in a very hot oven (225 degrees) until the oil is hot.
3. Carefully pour the flour and water into the dish after a good stir
4. Bake for (apparently) an hour at 180 - 200 degrees: I needed at least 1 1/4 hours.

Not a great success as far as I'm concerned! I would love to try some how it's meant to be as I fear I may not have done it justice!

JB x