Sunday 17 March 2013

Rose and white chocolate cupcakes

I made these for some lovely friends we stayed with in London last night. Bit more sophis than vanilla but still nice and easy! Rosewater is one of my new obsessions. LOVE it. Feel free to omit or substitute with other stuff though - orange blossom water or maybe even raspberry or strawberry liqueur might be gert lush.

Here are some nice tasty cakes. Yum.
Made from the Hummingbird formula with a couple of twists...

Ingredients: (makes 8ish)
  • 140g caster sugar
  • 120g plain flour
  • 40g softened butter
  • 1 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1 large happy free range egg
  • 110ml milk
  • 10 ml rosewater
  • handful of chopped white chocolate or choccy chips
  1. put the sugar, flour, baking powder and butter into a freestanding mixer.
  2. let it go until nice and sandy
  3. add in the egg, milk and rosewater
  4. mix 'til mixed...
  5. plop into muffin cases and bake at 170 degrees C for about 18 mins or so.
  • 80g soft butter
  • 250g icing sugar
  • about 1-2 tbsp rosewater
  1. put icing sugar and butter into mixer
  2. put dishcloth over top to seal in as much powder as poss and mix mix mix for a good while til nice and combined - it will create a sticky mushroom cloud if you leave it without a cloth or lid!
  3. add enough rosewater for it to just come together then beat for a good minute or two at high speed so it's pale and frosty and deeeee-lish.
  4. Pipe on top.
  5. Done!!

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