Saturday 11 May 2013


I did it. I made Brioche. The bread which is such a pain in the bum that even goddess Lorraine Pascale writes 'you can freeze the dough at this stage as you may be sick of it'. 

Well, I didn't have to. Inspired by a friend of Mr B who kindly sent him home from wok with a beautiful little brick bun the other week, I did it.

I used Lorraine Pascale's recipe, but in half quantities (below). However, it was good, but not as good as I had hoped, so I'll try another next time. Anyway, it was absolutely delicious warm and dipped in coffee for a Sunday morning breakfast.

Below is the recipe, the only thing I added was a handful of raisins soaked in amaretto for a couple of hours, then floured and added after the last bit of kneading. I used a mixer with a dough hook, I don't think I'd tackle it by hand!

Makes 8


  • 250g plain flour
  • 10g fresh yeast
  • 3 eggs
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 160g unsalted butter
  • Put flour, yeast, sugar and salt in a mixer bowl with a dough hook.
  • Add the eggs one by one, and knead really well until a smooth (very solid!) dough forms.
  • Then, add the butter, bit by bit, and knead it for a good 10-15 minutes on a low speed, until it comes away from the bowl. This took ages and I had to keep scooping the dough off the sides of the bowl.

  • The dough in the picture here isn't ready yet. I added the raisins after (see above picture).
  • Then, put the dough in a greased muffin tim with little bobbles on top and leave it to rise, covered in oiled cling film, for a good 2-3 hours until doubled (the fat retards the yeast so it takes a while to rise).
  • Then, bake at 180 degrees C for about 15-17 minutes. If after 12 they look a bit dark, put some baking parchment or foil on them.


JB x

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