Saturday 18 January 2014

Pan de yuca! Ecuador!

I have had that incredible song by SASH! in my head all morning... ECUADOR!!! I'm pretty sure that song is from (cough) 17 years ago when I had by 13th birthday while in France on an activity holiday. I remember ringing my parents from a payphone (remember them?!) on the campsite reporting that I was having the time of my life and definitely was not homesick at all (the first part was true, the second a slight lie) with this playing in the background.

Right, back to floury things. I couldn't find pure tapoica / cassava flour. But I did find Dove's farm bread flour gluten free substitute type thingy, made with potato and tapioca flour. So I gave these little balls a try...

1/2 cup grated cheese (I used cheddar. Pretty sure this is horrifically unauthentic.)
1/3 cup olive oil
2/3 cup milk
1 1/2 cups said flour
1/2 tsp salt.

Method: Stir together, then give a good blitz with a stick blender (or chuck all in a food processor if you like). Apparently at this stage it can be refrigerated for a couple of days.

I then sprayed a mini muffin tin with olive oil, then put a fat teaspoon of batter into each hole and baked at 220 degrees C for 15 minutes, and...

Little cheesy chewy balls of yum. I have no idea how the Ecuadorians eat these (although I found a lovely piece about these with frozen yogurt which I think could be ace) but being clueless and British I went for a salad. Then realised I had no balsamic vinegar. Naked salad is definitely not the most inspiring side, sorry Ecuador! But lovely cheesy balls :)

JB x

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