Wednesday 1 January 2014

Soufflé! Happy new year!

It's been a little while (soz, xmas and all that) and the baking has been happening but I've not been a blogging. So here goes with a few little catch ups, most recent first!

Last night Mr B and I stayed in at NY for the first time in about 7 years. It was actually a lovely evening, and I made a big old game pie (delicious, post to come) and passionfruit soufflé for pud.

Here the little blighters are in all their vertiginous glory...

I served them with a little scoop of ice cream and the seeds from the passionfruit spooned over. They were my first foray into soufflé and won't be my last, I loved their lightness after a gurt big old main course. Yum. The recipe is from Allegra McEvedy (I got her book for Chrimbo and it is a great go-to, reminds me a bit of Nigella's How To Eat). It's just 2 eggs, separated: into the yolks whisk 2 tbsp passionfruit juice and 2 tbsp sugar, then whisk the whites up with 1 tbsp sugar til stiff, fold gently together and bake in buttered sugared ramekins for 12 minutes at 160. I was tres excited when they had actually risen! I'm already thinking of different flavours; raspberry or lemon would work well, or maybe bergamot with an earl grey tuile?! Maybe if I'm feeling fancy!!

Today is a fasting day so this is a little painful to look through pics to post... got some Christmas calorie induced expansion to shift!

JB x

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