Wednesday 5 March 2014

Chocolate and Salted Caramel Bundt

Apologies, for many things. Firstly, may blogging laziness, and secondly the quality of this photo. Honestly, I forgot to take a pic until the cake was almost gone (which wasn't long!)
Here it is: my little invention...

It honestly does look better in one piece!

I love my Bundt tin, and I decided it should house a combo of salted caramel and chocolate cake. Who wouldn't want to?! Plus I made a caramel to drizzle all over the top in it's grainy, sludgy saltiness. Yum yum indeed. Serves 10.

Group one...
350g plain flour
200g golden caster sugar
100g dark brown soft sugar (or muscovado, just something fudgy and dark)
2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp bicarb
1/2 tsp salt

Group two...
3 eggs, lightly beaten
150ml cream, sour cream, greek yogurt or other dairy style wetness
125ml sunflower oil
170g melted salted butter
300g chilled water

2 tbsp plain flour
1 tsp vanilla extract

2 heaped tbsp cocoa powder

Caramel topping...
100g butter (salted)
100g dark brown sugar
good slosh double cream
sprinkling maldon sea salt or other nice big flakes of salt

Preheat your oven to 170 (fan) and butter your big Bundt tin (approx 28cm diameter). SMaller ones will suffice.

Add group one of ingredients into a bowl and whisk together until any lumps of sugar are broken up.
Whisk group two together until well combined, then beat into group one until a smooth batter is formed. Then, divide the mix into two, and add the cocoa to one half and flour and vanilla to the other. You will then have one beautifully dark and mysterious bowl of batter, and one lightly tanned one, like it's been on holiday. Yum in itself.

Pour the two in whichever way you fancy into the tin and marble them together (slightly) with a teaspoon or any other favourite kitchen implement. I like to have a gently marbled cake, but you could mix it more thoroughly if you like. Then, bake it for 55 minutes or so until your skewer comes out clean. Leave it to cool in the tin for about 10-15 minutes, then turn it out.

To make the caramel topping, melt the butter and sugar together until the sugar has dissolved, then bubble gently for about 30 seconds to a minute. Add the cream (careful, it will bubble!), a pinch of salt, then set aside after stirring well until it's slightly thickened and a little cooler. hen, pour gently over the cake and sprinkle salt over to taste.

Bloody lovely.

JB x

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