Sunday 10 February 2013

Black Forest Gateau - in cupcake form!!!

Cake. Chocolate. Cherry. Cream cheese frosting. Chocolate filling. Oooooooooooohhhhh yes....... :)

OK so I had a piping bag explosion so these do look distinctly amateurish. Decorated with freeze dried strawbs, chocolate sprinkles and ridiculous red glacé cherries - I definitely think I need to do better next time with the presentation but they do taste yummy!


  • 125g butter or stork
  • 100g darkest dark chocolate
  • 340g morello cherry jam
  • 2 beaten eggs
  • 100g sugar
  • 150g self raising flour
  • 2 tbsp cocoa powder
  • either: chocolate spread or ganache made with equal weight chocolate melted into cream. Excellent for the arteries (cough)
  • 200g Cream cheese (full fat and liquid drained)
  • 600g icing sugar
  • 50g very very very soft butter
  • (Note - this makes tons, easily enough for about 20 cakes, but it freezes really well in a tupperware)
  1. Melt the butter and chocolate gently together in a pan, then remove from the heat, stir in the eggs, jam and cocoa powder.
  2. Sift in the flour and sugar until just combined...
  3. Divide into 12 paper cases (or maybe a couple more) and bake at 180 degrees for about 20 mins...

Then to fill them, cut a little core out and fill with a teaspoon or so of choccy stuff if you like. You can obviously fill or top these little beauties as you like but I am a fan of as much chocolate as possible in this particular scenario!


Squidge the top back on - doesn't matter of it's a bit messy.

Next, to make the icing, whip the butter in a mixer til it's super soft. Then, gently mix in the cheese and icing sugar, then blitz it in the mixer or with an electric whisk for a minute or so until stiff and white and gorgeously bad for you :)

JB x

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