Sunday 17 February 2013

Tiramisu and Lemon Meringue Pie cupcakes :)

So I think I have certainly had over the recommended daily intake of sugar today before I've even tasted one of these bad boys. I've just spent an hour or two pottering in the kitchen making these babies to take in to work tomorrow as I'm moving offices this week. Not far, just up a few floors, but it does mean that I'm going to have to climb 6 floors of stairs straight away every morning... Lazy bones here is not looking forward to that! (BTW I'm scared of lifts. Especially the old, scary lifts they have at the hospital. So I'll take my chances on an angina attack over getting stuck in a lift and dying of malnutrition and lack of air.)

I digress. Cakes.

The recipes for these are shamelessly lifted from the Hummingbird Bakery's Cake Days book. A worthwhile investment!!!

I made a single amount of sponge mixture and split it then added vanilla to one bit and lemon zest to the other. Here is the basic recipe for the sponge, which will make 12-16 cakes.

Dry stuff:
  • 80g lovely soft squidgy butter (I microwave mine on low for 30s from the fridge)
  • 240g plain flour
  • 280g caster sugar
  • 1 tbsp baking powder
  • large pinch of salt (crushed if using salt flakes)

Wet stuff:

  • 240ml whole milk
  • 2 large free range happy chicken related eggs
Flavoured stuff:
  • Tiramisu - 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • Lemon meringue - zest of 1 lemon
For the sponges, stick all the 'dry' ingredients (I know butter isn't "dry", but just go with me) into your freestanding mixer to whisk with a hand whisk until sandy in texture. Then add the wet and mix swiftly. Done. 

Divide into 2 if making both flavours (or ignore this part if making one) and add the flavoured stuff - obviously double the quantities if making just one flavour.

Spoon into baking cases, bake at 170 degrees C in a fan oven for 17-18 minutes. Please don't fret if they look curdled and runny and weird before they bake, 'tis all OK. Trust me, I'm (officially) a Dr.

Let them cool. Then, the fun bit... filling and frosting!!! 

For these little badgers, first make a lovely syrup. Here is a cut down version if the H'bird recipe as that made enough for me to swim in, therefore contributing to my excessive sugar intake today. I can virtually feel my teeth falling apart. Below are the amounts for 8 cakes, double if making a while batch.

  • a strong large espresso
  • a couple of teaspoons of sugar
  • a shot of Kahlua (or other coffee / chocolate related liqueur. I have also used amaretto before which was LUSH but let's be trad)
Mix all the above together and allow to cool. Simples.

Filling / frosting:
  • 200g mascarpone
  • a double shot of kahlua (50ml)
  • 150g double cream
  • one tbsp icing sugar

Beat the mascarpone and kahlua together until smooth. Whip the cream and icing sugar to soft peaks and fold together. Lick spoon. Restrain self from consuming entire bowlful.


OK this may sound a little odd to those of you who haven't ever cut your beautifully made cakes apart but trust in the Hummingbird. They no lie.
1. Cut a core out of your cake, approx 2cm wide but not all the way to the bottom. A la...

2. Put a teaspoon of the syrup into the hole and anther over the little cakey stub you've just cut out...
3. Put a blob of frosting into the hole over the syrup...

4. Reunite the two long lost cake parts with their new friend, mascarpone creamy wonderness...

5. Pipe (or swirl if you're arty) the rest of the frosting over the top, dust with cocoa. Gloat.

Lemon Meringue

These are simpler to fill but require italian meringue. Panic not, 'tis possible. I made mine go grainy cos I added my sugar too fast but I'm sure you won;t make that mistake...!
Filling and frosting
  • 40g lemon curd
  • 100g caster sugar
  • 75ml water
  • 2 large free range egg whites

1. Fill the cakes with lemon curd (method as before).
2. Make the italian meringue...

Place 100g sugar and 75ml water in a pan and boil for 5-10 mins until at 115degrees C or 'soft ball' stage. If you haven't got a sugar thermometer, drop a small amount of the syrup into a bowl of cold water. If it forms a soft ball, you're good to go. If not, keep heating. If at any point it turns golden or solid, I'm afraid you'll have to start again (sad face). Meanwhile, put the egg whites into a freestanding mixer or whisk them in a bowl with a handheld whisky thingy until they're all nice and frothy.

When your sugar is hot enough, DRIZZLE it into the eggs while still whisking for all you're worth, stopping as soon as it's white and fluffy and gorgeous. Voila. Italian meringue! Top each of the cakes with the meringue and use a blowtorch if you are a ponce like me or stick 'em under the grill so they look all gorgeous and baked. Wowzers.

So there we have it! And bloody delicious they are too...

JB x

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