Saturday 7 September 2013

Tasting menu at The Grainstore, Edinburgh *

* well... This menu was cooked for our lovely friends Mr and Mrs M and us by Mrs M's cousin Sean (used to work in The starred Balmoral) at The Grainstore in Edinburgh. He's amazingly talented, and also upsettingly young. This guy HAS to be destined for special foodie things, the venison dish was pretty much the best plate of food I've ever eaten and in my humble little opinion, was better than the Michelin starred restaurants I've had the pleasure of eating in. Word on the street is that he's going to be cooking in some pop ups in London over the coming months... If you get the chance you should definitely check it out.

I'll let the pictures speak for themselves - it was every bit as good as it looked (oh, and the wine flight was gorgeous, the restaurant has a wonderful Sommelier with a beautiful voice who I could listen to all day...!)


 Gazpacho :)

Scallops with peas and bacon

Sea bass with piccalilli... GORGEOUS!

Smoked aubergine cannelloni. Outrageously tasty.

                                 Venison with beetroot, chocolate, red berries. INCREDIBLE.

                                                   Casual dessert - chocolate terrine...
 Strawberries and champagne :)

There was also a cheese course but in my over-excitement I forgot a pic :)

DEE-LISH food from an incredible young chef = happy me!!

JB x

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