Monday 21 January 2013

Fast day dinner

So today, being a Monday, is a fasting day (or 500 cals for women, 600 for men). For me that was a big fat cup of tea this morning, then water and peppermint tea until dinner, which has just gone down the hatch. It was lovely, and enough calories for some raspberries for pud and a tea later. Rock and indeed roll!!

Spiced salmon salad... not the most interesting dinner but yummy!

Salmon fillet (100g = 200 calories) plus a ton of cucumber, lettuce and tomatoes with a sprinkling of olives and balsamic, 300 calories. Plus 75g raspberries for pudding, a princely total of 320 calories for dinner. Not bad! Plus some milk in tea and a small handful of sultanas, a nice 500 calorie day :)

Not to say I'm not having kind of mildly fantastical thoughts about the chocolate cake which is burning a hole in the kitchen table! More fasting day recipes as I do them... Next one on Thurs!

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