Sunday 20 January 2013

The fast diet

Since the beginning of this year (so about 3 weeks!!) I've been following the diet Dr Michael Mosely covered on the BBC's Horizon programme last year. It involves having 500 calories 2 days per week, and eating normally the rest of the time.

Why? Well, I like science. I'm a geek. I am doing a PhD part time as part of my job into biologically related science, which I unashamedly love! So I read the papers, as the programme made it sound massively advantageous. And I liked what I read - reduce your blood pressure, increase your insulin sensitivity and reduce inflammatory markers?! Yes please! Oh - and I can still drink wine, eat cake and chocolate in moderation. Win.

So it seems pretty successful so far - I'll try my best to post recipes / photos of 'fasting day' meals when I can. I've found it works best for me to skip breakfast, lunch and then eat 500 calories for dinner on those days, but that's just me.

Just to reiterate - I'm not promoting this in any way - google it, read the research if you like, then decide if it's right for you. I personally like it, but it's only been 3 weeks!

Tomorrow is a fasting day; dinner will be salmon and tons of salad. Will post soon!

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